Saturday, April 10, 2021

We need Mercy of this Covid-19

Tomorrow we are celebrating the feast of Divine Mercy and devotees have already begun the Novena to storm heavens for the gift of Divine Mercy for the present critical situation of Covid-19. praying for those who affected by and those have lost their lives due to it. we need to implore God's mercy for the entire world so that we can be free and be saved from the clutches of the virus.  We are suffering not because God has abandoned us but we have abandoned His commandments and teaching given to us in the Bible and the teachings of the Church. It is time for the entire humanity to sit and reflect on what is more important to live as children of the Merciful and loving God and find ways to live God's commandment and put the message of the Bible in practice. 

For last 15 months since we are affected by the virus God has given us opportunity to set our house and life in order....there has been chaos and war within and without....we have become victims of the unnecessary material things....the material prosperity has robbed our dignity of being God's has take us far from ourselves to an artificial life. We really need to understand that we have played with the gift of life that God has so generously shared with us... 

When we play with the Life we bring upon ourselves suffering and pain, but the Lord of life will not allow us to destroy Life because he is the author of life. He will show us mercy and he has done in the past and will continue to doing it. The boats of our human is rocking too fast at the moment and we need the Master to take control of the boat....are we allowing Him to take over? 

We are afraid and scared about the virus, but the anti-virus is the Mercy and love of God given to us already by the Lord....the vaccine is called sacrament of reconciliation and the Eucharist....we need to take continuous doses of these two vaccines and the immunity will automatically be increase.....the immunity is called GARCE and FORGIVENESS.....the fragile and disoriented lives will be strengthened by the presence of God

Let us hold on to our Faith in the Saviour of the world, we need to surrender tp Him in trust and handover completely and totally to Him. Let our desire to go against the creator and creation should be abandoned immediately, our race to be super nations at the cost of losing morality, unnecessary hunger for richness and prosperity, let us break the shackle of those things which has imprisoned us and don't allow us to see human person as God's creation....let us stop the injustice against the poor, the cry of those persecuted for their faith has be abandoned for a better world.....  

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