Tuesday, April 27, 2021

God of Surprises!!!!!

These days of Pandemic many people have taken to writing poems and articles, sharing their own experiences of what life has been to them. Many of them have understood in a deeper sense the meaning of human and married life. Family living has been a big revelation, many have understood their spouses much better than never before, some have been able to solve the domestic problems and handled them together with the presences of the Children. The best thing that has happened is that many broken relationships have been restored, forgiveness is doled out very easily without any conditions, many years of wounds have been healed now. These and many more miracles are taking place right now in our lives, families and society around....just look around....see and watch carefully with love....you will that your children have become less demanding and more responsible. 

On the other side many children have been affected by the absence of physical school and getting glued to the computers and TV's...many children's mental health is deteriorating badly, parents need to pay attention to them...spend personal time with them, talk to them like friends, like their peer groups. Parents may have to be like children in order to be friendly with the kids, it may make demands on us, but at the end it is worth doing all that for the good of our children.

Life is taught the biggest lessons during this pandemic so let us be open and frank to accept and enter into these message to make life more worth living. These messages and lessons that we are learning are not offered by any well known and famous schools, colleges and universities. These lessons are learnt from the less salaries. empty stomachs in many parts of the world, the fear of death, empty pockets and bad times that we are experiencing at the moment.

The biggest awareness that these times have created among us is that Life is one way traffic. We can turn back and see it but we cannot walk back on the same path. We have only to look at it and move ahead. Learn lessons from it and live the coming days with faith, trust and confidence in the Lord who created us. 

Let us learn the lesson that relationships and being human is bigger than knowledge and money because money and knowledge get over but with relationships you can control the situations and handle it well. Make our friendship and relationship more sweeter and strong and make life more worth living.

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