Friday, April 9, 2021

Be Responsible!!!!!!!!!

Young boy out of despair and frustration questions me, why are we not able to overcome and defeat Corona Virus? My simple and faith-filled answer was that we have failed as united human beings because we do not follow the mandates of God and the human authority, we toss up the rules and regulations, the instructions and guidelines given by the authority,. we have taken the dangerous virus for granted and lightly. Social distancing and other requirements to defeat the virus are not observed Individual actions, decision and responsibility will go a miles to defeat and contain the deadly virus. Our united efforts will bear desirable fruits which we would like to have. The Virus does not walk into our families and homes, but we invite and bring in by our disobedience and irresponsible behaviour.

We have forgotten that there are children and their future which we need to maintain secure and preserve, we have a great responsibility towards their health and those dear and near ones. we need to have a good will for ourselves and others to stop spreading Corona Virus. The Crisis of virus is real and we need to be serious to face it with determination to do it away. Vaccines will be made available and they will play their role effectively only when we all unitedly stop spreading by avoid the super spreading events. 

As one community of human beings, for getting that we belong to different races and religions, work together to take care one another by stopping the spread of virus by following the guidelines and other instructions. We have to think of the greater good of the human society and preserve the precious lives of all. Let us be instruments of conscientization and awareness among people who don't care for the guidelines and serve the humanity through this noble way and mean. Let us unitedly promote this great awareness of protection and care of all during this second wave dangerous wave of Corona. Let us ignite our social responsibility towards the human society by being responsible and let this be personal commitment. The only way to arrest and stop the spread of Corona is to do our small part and stay at home when the authority say that need to stay indoors. 

The health of our family, community and nation and economy depends on our being responsible, setting aside our personal and selfish egos, wants and needs for the good of the whole human race. Being under lockdown is not a nice feeling and experience, we may have to suffer a little bit but the suffering and pain will yield tremendous results for the good of the whole human race.

Lockdown is to be seen as God given opportunity to analyse and evaluate our social behaviour and mode of living our life. During these days, let js spend time with family and give space and place to God, be creative in those things which we do every day with passion. let us try to find meaning in our relationships, friendships and dialogues with one another. Let us instil in our family the values of social responsibilities and solidarity which go to create a better place for all.

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