Friday, April 16, 2021

Persons in Life!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 We cannot choose people who should be part of our life, who should come into our life cannot be chosen, but those who are there or come, can teach us a lot of lessons or we can learn a lot from them, this definitely we can chose. But a wrong choice persons in life can lead to wrong and negative decisions in life. But sometimes those good people in life who are there like positive signposts whom we ignore and go looking somewhere else for the good, best and better people in life. They just don't come or drop in our bag of life but they are sent by God for our growth. There are some people whom we find in the journey of our life and make a huge difference with their presence. `some of these people support and help us and some of these take advantage of our goodness and being nice, some encourage and support us. Those who take advantage of us live in our minds and those who help us grow, support live in our hearts. 

Good people and thoughts will always remain with us because they have positive energy and influence on our life. Their presence and influence cannot be easily wiped away or defeated by the negative working by anyone. You may try to lessen their value and importance by negative propaganda about them, but star will never stop shining, their innate nature will always allow them to be true to their nature. Zero gets importance when we add other numbers in front of it. When we mix and mingle with people who think of themselves as of no importance, they realise slowly their importance when we give them their due in life. 

Some good people in our lives we cannot ask or purchase them, like happiness and joy cannot be asked for, goodness if your search you may not find it, so happiness unless it is given by others we cannot receive just like that. so it is true that good and nice people cannot be searched but they are given by the Lord in our lives to be part of our human journey. 

It is said that the most dangerous and harmful organ of our human body is EAR, it is created to hear good news and communicate the same to others. sometimes what EAR hears it, makes the EYE to believe it and prove it wrong ....such a tremendous power EAR use it discreetly and not make negative use of it. 

There are many issues in life which we can solve easily but the fear, thought of the society and temptation of short lived happiness, misses the goal and we never handle or solve the problems and issues of life. so it is good to express our emotions and feelings on time, because some things to be understood on time are very useful for our lives otherwise we will repent all throughout life for not having understood on time.

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