Saturday, April 24, 2021

The Need of Good Shepherds Today!!!!!!!!!


The health Crisis due to Corona has crippled, many people getting affected and many more dying due to the virus. The government is doing all that it can do but not enough as the crisis is bigger than what we all think about it. The government agencies are falling short to reach out to every affected persons due to many reasons, like lack of infrastructure and medical facilities. The front line workers are going out fully to give their best to those affected and many more are coming out to do the same. It is a crisis which none of us would like to see for long time. There is fear lurking among people, we need shepherds to console, show compassion and show solidarity to those who lost their dear and nears ones.

The shepherds whom we need not preachers of the word of God but practicing shepherds who lead by their life of examples and witnesses of compassionate love. Shepherd who will not isolate and abandon those who need them most to console and heal. Those who spend quality time with millions and speak the voice of God. By spending precious moments with them to give them hope in this hopeless situation. Those who can make them grow spiritually and physically healthy and sound to believe and trust in the most forgiving and compassionate God. We need the shepherds who will walk the talk and lead the suffering sheep to the green pastures and rivers to quench their thirst. 

The need today is not long talks and speeches but actions and deeds, to keep watch over those who are dying, love and care those who are affected and scared of getting infected. We need shepherds who will show qualities of example of followers of Jesus the Good shepherd. Today we are all disappointed with our political and even spiritual leaders because they fall short of what they have promised and supposed to do for the population. They are poor shepherds who mislead them by their sweet talks and not ready to lay down their lives for the suffering sheep 

The shepherds must help people to come out of this crisis by good planning and governance, give high priority to the need of the hour, lead them to best social and medical care which will be a green pasture at this moment of crisis. The need of the people today is to be still, peaceful and without fear and as shepherds in times of crisis and fear we need to offer refreshment of the Holy Spirit. We need to take care of their bodies and souls by offering them physical and spiritual food at the moment. it is time to be with them and spend time listening and trying to console them with counselling and spiritual advices.  

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