Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Coldness of the Heart!!!!!!!


We come across people who are very cold hearted in their relationship and behaviour. These people we can encounter in our families, parish, working places etc. They have a spirit of indifference and they do not show any signs of closeness, feelings and emotions. They are not moved by the events that take place in the family or around them. Either they take everything for granted or they are not just bothered. They will not even shed tears at the death of their dear and near ones. They are so called hard hearted and stoned people. No dialogue or communication works on them, they are fixed people in everything....they have their own say and opinion about everything....they are terrors in their commands and orders....if you do not listen to them they assassinate you with the looks and attitudes.

But each of us have some cold places in our lives with regard to some emotions and when it comes to relate to our own. We do experience a cold heart in our relationships with the others and we are aware of it but do not want to do anything about it, because we find comfort in it. These people need the warmness of our closeness and the grace of God to warm up their cold hearts, if not then they can be very destruction in relationships. When they open their cold hearts to those who are able to touch them, a tremendous transformation they go through and experience a new wave of warmth.

We may think that we are related to one another because we live together, but we fail to realize that our hearts and minds can be a miles apart when we do not give an impression of being there for the other. It is also related to our spiritual and prayer life, we may do all the things that the church and religion commands us to do but our hearts can be far from it, may not be involved fully and completely. Our lives may not be according to the scriptures and teachings of the Church.

The coldness of the heart can be seen when we are jealous of the success of the other, when we do not appreciate the great work done by others, when we do not accept the other for what they are. Children when do not obey the instructions given by the parents and do what they like they demonstrate a cold heart which is not willing to open up to the warmth of the parents. 

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