Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Leave the Prison!!!!!!!


Today's Reading tells us that the apostles and disciples were set free from the Prison cell by the angel and asked them to go the temple to preach. The prison cell could no longer hold these men filled with the Holy Spirit and go out to proclaim the truth about Jesus. They proclaimed what they believed and experienced in their life. When faith was strong and deep they broke all the chains of fear and evil. They were fearless in proclaiming the good news. Boldness is the new character and behaviour that the apostles are donning with......they have no fear because their conviction level is very hight and it takes them to the nook and corner of the world. 

the apostles set themselves free from all the human negative shackles and they begin to be the face of men and women bold and strong, conviction and faith. They began to support and help people to come out of the fear of death. They began to read the hearts and minds of the people with the presence of the Holy Spirit which allowed them to open themselves to receive God's grace for the work of the  kingdom. The experience of being with Jesus and the experience of having seen and touched the risen Lord was the richest experience that they carried along with them. 

The Apostles learned with the setting themselves free from the human weakness that life is the mixture of success and and failures, that they never thought that the evil and bad days after the death Jesus would pass away and it does happen. They are now new men and women ready to face any challenge, fears, persecution, failure etc. The great success was that they were able to win over people who laughed and sneered at them, people who considered them good for nothing began to flock to them to hear the word of God and set themselves free from the hands of the evil. 

With the presence of the Holy Spirit and the Peace of the Risen Lord, the apostles and disciples began to make it possible and simple what was impossible and difficult, they made it believe and beautiful all that seemed difficult. They believed and loved in announcing what they found it beautiful and lasting, life changing and bringing joy. 

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