Wednesday, February 20, 2019

The Height of Love!!!!!!!

Jeesus' offering Himself on the Cross was the highest form of Love for Human was the height of love which human beings had ever heard, seen or read about....offering and presenting for the sake of others....forgetting oneself.....the aim and goal is the good of the others....
 Many men and women have imitated Him to offer the same Love....the highest Love but all have given love but with limitations...some had conditions....which we experience in our families, friend circles, communities....the love that we share is marred with conditions, but's and if's.....
 But there are exceptional people who have died for the sake of the others, protecting the borders the soldiers die for the sake of is a sacrifice....the parents giving up everything for their children's sake and for their good....many who donate organs to their beloved one risking their own lives....
 My Cousin who had lost both his kidneys....he was not getting a donor....His elder sister consults the doctor on her own without the knowledge of anyone...finds out pros and cons of donating one kidney...prepares herself mentally, spiritually and finally breaks the news to the entire family about here decision.....their blood groups match....transplant was successful and a lot of people prayed and everything went on it is six years ...both of them hale and hearty.....
 A true love....highest form of Human Love.....

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