Monday, February 18, 2019

Million Reasons!!!!!

We have million reasons to give up break a relationship of many years, to stop believing in God, stop relating to the Church or religion, to call someone mad or stupid, to spoil someone's good name, to murder or attack someone verbally and physically and emotionally, to stop studying or giving up well paid jobs, to join some anti-social groups, to non-corporate with government...etc......we always have reasons to offer for not doing a certain thing....we think that our conviction of not accepting or throwing our hands up in the air....are the best solutions to our problems.
 all these reasons are negative and lead to us destruction or loss of peace and Joy...these reasons are offered at the heat of moment, taken in haste without reasoning....out...
 What we need just one right and positive reason to solve and settle issues and matters, to keep our friendship and relationships,,,,not to lose a beloved one....loved one .....just because of our negative million reasons....

That one right reason can save many things....only we need patience and tranquility....we need that space to take that right decision with the right reason....we don't have to break our heads for those million reasons to be right reason thought of in prayer and silence....can rectify and correct broken relationships.....

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