Saturday, February 9, 2019

I know that You are with Me!!!!!!!!

When some one is in trouble or facing troubles in life always look for some support and help, guidance and consolation in order to feel that one can over come or win over the situation. When we assure our support and help to these needy ones with words like " I am with you, don't worry". These words can rekindle confidence in the person suffering, these words can create a hope and allow the person not to give up....but stay and hold on...
 When the person sees no ways to overcome the problems but at the right moment when someone comes and assures him the support...he says with confidence "I know that you are with me".....this is something are with me when I see darkness all around.....your presence allows me to see the light of hope...light which will dispel darkness of doubt, suspicion and restore the light of joy in life...

 Spiritually a person in trouble will always look up to God who is the reason of hope and joy in his life…he knows that besides his friends and relatives it is God who fills his life with blessings and graces, confidence and hope…he is sure that the presence of God in life will drive away all the evil forces and shut all the doors to Satan to destroy our life…once the person is sure that God has taken over his life discouragement and despair has no place…but there is only courage and confidence…we begin to trust…and believe that everything will be alright…the words “I know that You are with me…can give strength in our suffering…
 In times of difficult moments if some one offers to be our rock, strength and leads us to a comfortable solution to over come the problems … always a welcome sign….we must try to lift up people from these unwanted situation and offer them go to higher place in life…lead them to the Lord who is the ultimate strength

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