Friday, December 28, 2018

Memories of Childhood!!!!!

 I am enjoying my vacations with my family at home....Christmas was celebrated with them....we are 33 in the family...four brother's families....great to spend some time with the small ones too...
 I go every day for my walks....I go through the fields and lakes to which I am known from my childhood....I have played in these fields...worked as a small young boy along with my Lakes where I had my first swimming lessons.....go through all these my memories are filled with childhood experiences....
 As a child we would go round and collect fire wood for the winter as well as for monsoon I was visiting these places in the villages I narrated to my grand nephews and nieces all those beautiful experiences....we were free to go the field any time.....pluck some fruits and vegetables and eat them raw,,,,we would swim in the lakes and open wells twice or thrice a day...
 Today vegetables fields are all empty as no one wants to work in the field...all have taken up jobs...
 Dray wood is just lying on the one burns it because all got gas cylinders in their kitchen for cooking....
 Lakes and open wells are not used as today there are swimming pools all around....
 We used fish in these lakes and open wells but today they don't do it as fish is being sold just in front of the house...
 We used collect early morning mangoes which were fallen from the the children don't do it because it is considered to be non-hygiene....and also very few mangoes trees are left as they have been cut down ....
 Early morning we used to rise up hearing the cock crowing but today they don't have any birds at home...
 We would get pure fresh Buffalo and cow milk but today there is no livestock maintained and as a result we buy pasteurized milk which has no taste or flavor at all..
 As I go round I noticed one thing that has disappeared is the tailoring shops....they are not around the corner....their place is taken up by the readymade wear shops....
 In the Markets vegetables come from other places and states....they are not fresh as they used to be,.

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