Tuesday, December 18, 2018

God makes Impossible things Possible with our Collaboration!!!!!

The word “Impossible” does not exist in God’s dictionary but His dictionary is full of positive words which are highly potential to produce unimaginable results. God does not abandon the one who places faith in His Mercy and Compassion. God gives sweet surprises to these men and women who would likely give up hopes to achieve or have anything that they desire in their lives. 

 The Scriptures of all Religion narrate such incidents where impossible things are made possible by God’s divine intervention. The Old Testament has many stories about barren women: Sarah wife of Abraham, Hannah the mother of Samuel, the mother of Samson, Elizabeth wife of Zechariah and mother of John the Baptist. These women were barren and old: in their day and culture not having children was seen as a curse, a punishment from God.

 We all have dreams of achieving something in our lives and our human means and efforts fail to achieve them. There are things impossible and improbable ones. But deep down in our hearts we know that with God everything is possible and depending on God’s strength and Mercy is the only door through which we can enter to achieve the dreams. What we need as human beings is to have a strong and deep faith and unfailing fidelity to the Lord in all circumstances. The impossible things become possible by accepting the will of God in our lives. Trusting in His presences and believing that He will do wonders with our collaboration. 

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