Friday, December 7, 2018

How are you go to Celebrate Christmas!

Everyone wants to be happy and healthy....everyone runs after it....for this to achieve we go to any extend....our life stories sometimes are made complicate by ourselves in pursuit of happiness...I met one such a young man who ran and chased dreams....forgot all the values....climbed the pinnacle of success and wealth....thought that he had everything....everyone at his disposal...everyone he felt danced at his tune...but he felt something deep within that made him restless....

Money and wealth did not buy happiness and then one Christmas he listened to a preacher who said that Jesus offers the true happiness and wealth.....he began to frequent the 50 years of his life he celebrated a true Christmas with Jesus....without much of galore and fun....a true spiritual Christmas.....he surrender himself to Jesus....He was truly happy and healthy mentally...loneliness vanished away as Jesus came to him on Christmas Day....everything had a new meaning....

He tells me that He would celebrate Christmas in different ways....preparing spiritually....reaching out to many needy...walking into known paths where many wait for the savior....

Christmas celebration changed his relationship with wife, family, children and friends....because he had Jesus in his life....

Let us celebrate Christmas with Jesus in our life.....

Let us search and find Him ...he is just waiting to be touched and cared for in the poor and needy..

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