Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Practical Mantras for happy Life from an Experienced Teacher !!!!!!!!!

When you have a fear of not being good enough, you will go above & beyond, to make sure you are liked, often at the expense of your own well-being. Being kind is great, but that includes, kindness towards you too. Look around at who God has placed in your life. Encourage them. Tell them who they can become, because helping others move forward, is part of our purpose in life

Don't panic over the pandemic, don't fear the unknown, don't lose sleep over what doesn't make sense. God has equipped you, empowered you, and anointed you.  You are free to think thoughts of worry, or thoughts of joy. Whatever you choose, will attract the same back to you. I recommend Joy!!! 

Lord, help me to trust in Your master plan, even when mine seems to be going the wrong way. I know, that You can take all things, in my life and use every one of them for good. Help me to follow Your plan and do Your will. I trust You. Amen Let us keep our eyes fixed on the resplendent face of God, whom we contemplate in Christ transfigured, on Mount Tabor. He is the light, that illuminates the events of every day. Happy feast of the Transfiguration. 

Losing weight at the cost of health, marrying at the cost of love, and making money, at the cost of integrity, make for a super waste of a lifetime. Don't be surprised, if you outgrow some people when you're trying to become, a better person. Don't let them hold you back, from raising your standards. You are wanting a better life & there's nothing wrong with that.

Be proud of yourself, for how far you have come, and never stop pushing, to be the best you can be. No one feels happy all the time, but we can be a lot happier, in our daily lives, if we make more choices, that lift us up, than choices that bring us down.  There is joy in giving. If you are feeling weary or discouraged, find someone to be a blessing to. Meet a need for someone and watch how God fills you, with joy and strength, in return! Goodnight and God bless 

Your thoughts are seeds and the harvest you reap will depend, on the seeds you plant. Good things will come to you when good things come from you. You will attract, what you are. The goodness of this world is offered to those, who are doing good for this world. When you radiate positive energy, you attract more, of the same. There are no extra pieces in the universe. Everyone is here because he or she has a place to fill, and every piece must fit itself, into the big jigsaw puzzle.

It's very rare to find someone, that genuinely cares about you, that wants to see you, achieve all of your goals, that wants to help you grow, as a person, and be by your side, every step of the way. If you have that type of person, never let them go, it's really rare to find. 

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