Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Amazing People using Amazing Grace of God!!!!!!!!

 Some of the famous people who have never had a formal education and professional training but with pure wisdom and grace of God have brought about changes in life as well as in society. They have become innovators and motivators and made the life of the people happy and comfortable. They live longer in the hearts and minds of people. They create history with their inner energy and wisdom. 

some of these men and women have met difficulties and hurdles, have received a rejection from the society but they never left the battlefield but hanged in there to overcome these negative forces laid upon them by the others. They have shown that it is no good lie down in the mud where you are thrown but rising up and using all that you possess to better your life as well as the others. 

Some unique individuals have never experienced the acceptance and love from their own and others and yet they go around spreading love and brotherhood. They overcome these negative situations in their lives by sheer courage and acceptance of who they are. They go around spreading the good news of love and acceptance and encourage the broken hearted to live the life with the grace of God. 

Some people have gone through tough times in life but have achieved great heights in life. some of them had no possibilities to get educated but have got an education due to their die-hard spirit. some of them have worked so hard with their own hands that they have created a new life for themselves and others. They are sources of inspiration for the fainthearted. They teach to love and not hate others though they have been the victims of hatred and racism. 

There are those who have been physically crippled but remained cool by accepting their fate but have been great examples and inspirators by using the knowledge for the greater glory of God and others. some of them had nothing with them but have created wealth for themselves and others. They began with zero but became heroes because they believed in themselves. 

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