Friday, April 10, 2020

Sorrows and Sufferings!!!!!!!! Look at sorrowful Virgin Mary

After the celebration of the Passion and death of Jesus our Lord, the Church today reflects on the  7 sorrows of our Blessed is a good old tradition in the Church which brings all the faithful to meditate on Mother Mary and how she faced and went through all the sorrows and pains her life. Her life was filled with strange events and situations and yet she with faith in God confronted all of them and was able to inspire the rest of the world....that all we go through in Life has one unique goal and mission: to grow in the image of God and prepare ourselves for the eternal life....

Today there are many sorrowful mothers who have lost their beloved ones du to Corona virus....they are wailing and mourning over the loss....but our Heavenly Mother tells all of them not to fear because all of them are in paradise with the Lord.......

There are those sorrowful Mothers who have handicapped and mentally challenged children, kids born with lot of physical and psychological infirmities......Mother Mary offers Hope...she commands to trust in the Lord
 The suffering mothers of those children who are in the wrong company and have ruined their lives with drugs and alcohol.....Mother Mary assures them all that she will ask her son to work wonders as he did at her request in Cana.

 Mothers who are battered and broken, who are abused and misused by their husbands....women who are raped and exploited.....Mother Mary assures that her  Son will liberate all of them as he did while one earth...
Those Mothers who are waiting for their lost sons and daughter, who are either kidnapped or missing...for years and years....Mother Mary consoles them saying that they will be back like the Prodigal son......
 Mother Mary instills confidence in those sorrowful Mothers who have no children and are anxiously waiting for the gift of babies......she assures that her Son will shine upon them....

 Let us pray for all those who are sorrows on account of many situations like finances, economic problems, broken families, lack of Jobs, and now the `Corona fear......Let us all surrender to the Lord all these sorrows through His Mother Blessed Virgin Mary......we hope and trust that she intercede for us as she has always done in the history.,,,,,

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