Thursday, April 23, 2020

Let us adapt to a new life-style!!!!!!!!!!!

For Last three months we are all living a period and time, situation and events which our generation did not live or experience. There are changes happening every now and then, it is unsettling our old ways of living, behaving, expressing and moving forward. There is risk knocking on our the doors of our hearts like, risks, disease, fear, financial crisis, relationship crisis, domestic violence. All these were existing and had their negative influence on our lives but we never had time to look at them and solve them. Now that we are lock down and have ample of time to see its effects and evaluate them for our good. 

Before this crisis of Corona, Globalization and social media had us imprisoned and blindfolded us completely and totally, we did not want to introduce any change in our life styles….we were happy to do the things like slaves which gave us temporary happiness and satisfaction but took away a big chunk of real joy….`no one spoke about being adaptable to the negative things that had influence on us….to make a change and adapt a new of dealing and handling was considered out of fashion. But the uncertainty loomed over us like a sword, ready to chop us into million pieces…..but we just hanged in there….as we belonged in….a superficial environment created to satisfy our desires and cravings. Our approach to life was mechanical and we could not see options which were always there. What we had to do is to adapt ourselves and bring in a little change which would have been a beacon and ray of change and hope. 

The questions that we must ask ourselves is, how are we going to apply new challenges to new situations and changes that have emerged due to corona……how far we can go to handle these situations which definitely have solutions within us….can adaptability bring about hopes? I would be affirmative because it is possible to change many things which were not so useful and beneficial to our being human, emotional and spiritual beings. We had gone away from ourselves… let us not come back to the original , the roots from our false world and reality. Everything seems unpredictable now, so it is God given opportunity to fall back to the genuine ways of being human, applying and putting into practices those ever new values and traditions, admonitions and corrections which we received from our older generations. We need to pick right and positive signals from this crisis by being adaptable. More Changes and challenges are on the way…we cannot sit with old formulas and solutions, old and useless ways and means…we need to stay relevant and real….

The answers lie in the signals of adaptability and change. All the signals will work out in our favour either for human, social, moral, emotional or spiritual area. In this interconnected world we can offer each other new models and ways of being adaptable to the changing situation. Let us create an ability to read the new signs of the times and act on these present signals……virus has thrown open wide the human arena and everything is affected. You name any relationship which is undergoing a drastic change dur to this crisis of virus. Keep our human and spiritual antennae tune to signals of change and adapt to new life style which is real and proper to our human nature. We need to sit back and work out new ways being a brother, sister, parents etc. We need to oil our old wheels of relationship which are making cricking and irritating sounds. We have participated into too many races which has not brought us closer to one another and God. We were worried about winning at any cost but in bargain we compromised with values and principles, we gave a toss for the most treasured commitment which had made us men and women exemplary and so many looked to us for inspiration. But we did just the opposite in order to live by our ego….It is time for us rise up to the occasion and with dynamism be what we are called to be …..adapt new ways to live our call…

Let us create with grace of God the ability to dive deep into our human and spiritual being and allow the grace to shape us a new with new avenues and experiments of living our lives. It is possible to swim through and against the current if we believe that our lives have a purpose. There is nothing impossible to achieve through adaptation and experiment, it gives us new energies to invent something new for a new way of living our human lives. To overcome the barriers which have been created by the crisis we need to be open to the challenges that will be thrown before us by being adaptable

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