Monday, April 27, 2020

A Tonic for Happiness

You want to do something on your own and you fail to do so or achieve what you dream….you give up throwing your hands up in the air and think negatively that happiness cannot be your cup of tea….you say to yourself that you are born to be so…you need to cultivate a habit of thinking that you are always happy in spite of obstacles…allowing yourself not to  think of them often but trying to overcome with positive energy

You need to be the master of your life and then Life moves faster…you are the driver and then you know how to negotiate every move on the road…you see and experience the road to your goas….do what you can do to negotiate the rough and tough road…think positively and try to overcome obstacles….do what you love to do… can do a lot of things while driving the car of your human life….if you concentrate on the potholes and obstacles on the road…you will end up either draining your energy or causing a fatal accident… even might take away our happiness of meeting the goal for which you are driving….accomplish your dreams doing what you like

Surround yourself with people who are positive, encouraging, optimistic, pro-active. Keep yourself away from negative and reactive people. They hamper or become obstacles for our growth and happiness…look for people of high quality who will support you…whose company you can enjoy and make you to think positively….who make you to feel who you are inside or within….true and genuine friends who generate positive influences on you….love your friends and families who are your backbone in all the events of life…look for mentors who can make positive influence on your life, surroundings and the goals that you want to achieve….

It is always good to be in search of happiness and wellbeing, it is energetic to look forward and keep moving….there will be a lot of hurdles and problems but your intent to move on and see the doors of possibilities open will enthuse a new spirit to do something new and great….you keep trusting in your mission and goal of life. Always have Something to strive for in order to make your life richer ….it can be anything in life that you love….stay and hang on where you are but looking beyond….don’t run away from the battle and blame the enemies….first learn to eliminate negative thoughts and energies which can block your growth to be a wonderful happy person. 

Choose persons, times, etc to become what you want to be that will change you and people around you also…..allow your views, mentalities to change and mature by accepting who you are….take the negative burden off you….otherwise you create imaginary doors which are always locked by your negative burdens…be brave to destroy these negative doors….don’t waste your energies trying the keys which are useless and cannot open the locked doors…never miss any opportunity to meet positive people…..because they are like tonic which gives us new energy…..invest your time and energy to be happy….don’t invest your life in becoming rich, famous, to achieve more ….don’t running after some choices which cannot make us happy….

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