Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Solidarity is the only Answer for the Society of Today!!!!!!

When we hear the word Solidarity, the first thought that comes to mind is financial support and help...uplifting someone economically...making someone's economic condition strong....making someone's life better....solidarity during the critical, difficult moment comes spontaneously, people normally are moved by compassion and love to give something to alleviate sufferings of the people...recently in many parts of the people were affected by drought as well as floods...many lost their precious lives...the whole world expressed solidarity in sharing something with the suffering nations....with solidarity we are able to do away to certain extent poverty....makes someone happy with shelter and food....
 But today there is another poverty that is spiritual poverty...poverty of the heart, soul and mind....Pope Francis every now and then makes mention in his homilies, talks that the spiritual poverty makes one dry.....it is true....people are hungry for word of God, the real God of compassion and mercy, the real Jesus who speaks, dialogues, touches and who makes me to grow in my spiritual communion with God and everyone.
 This different poverty has to be confronted not with money and wealth but with love, understanding, sensibility. Showing solidarity to someone who is really spiritually poor and showing altruistic love and helping to someone to come out of the dark zone of his or her life to see the real picture of life with God's grace is the need of the hour...
 The economic crisis is increasing ever but on the other hand the spiritual crisis has taken a deep nose drive...as a result people are not able to face many spiritual and faith level problems...there is no depth in relationship with God....God is seen as someone who is to be approached during the time of crisis not someone who is to be approached every moment of our lives. 
 Solidarity can bring about healing and forgiveness,,,,bring peace and happiness....spiritual dryness can be removed with one's presence, love, ....it can bring satisfaction for the soul and mind when one realizes that he or she is loved and accepted for what they are...
 In the deepest of our hearts exists a profound need of solidarity in our spiritual dryness and faith crisis...the need to receive care, love, to give, to be helped and to share with persons who need our solidarity... when this help is given one creates a sentiment of auto realization of being a human and a child of God loved by others and God Himself...

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