Sunday, June 2, 2019

Let our Lives be beautiful !!!!!!!

Driving through the express Highway from Mumbai to Pune, I read one of the many messages on the highway for drivers....don't speed up your is good to speed up your life.....speeding life allows us to be beautiful and sweet smelling....our lives depend and are happy on the sweet smelling character and behaviour.....
 Life become beautiful and meaning when we are melted with tears shed by those in difficulty...they are none to us yet we become theirs through lending a helping and supportive hand....Life is enjoying when we feel part of those unknown faces through charity and loving actions.
 In life to shoulder responsibilities there are no defined ages...some shoulder responsibilities when very small, some avoid these responsibilities even at the age of 50 and make life meaningful by being responsible for ourselves, for others.......

 When we have shower with water....we change our wet clothes and wear dry ones....but those who shower themselves with sweat of their hard work...go to change the history of their own lives as well as of others...this is how we make lives beautiful and sweet smelling...

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