Saturday, September 11, 2021

Use Mirror see Ourselves.....Do not use Binoculars to see others!!!!!!!!!!!


The need of the hour in the society and world is express, experience and spread the Love of God. We seem to be evading from the healing and compassionate love and as a result there are discords, divisions and a lot of evil being committed all over the world. The lack of love within oneself and towards others is making our society very selfish and self-centred. The word other cent-redness is fast disappearing from our dictionary of human life. To keep humans and society together without any discord and animosity love is capable and can create union and unity among all.  The whole well knitted fabric of the society can be broken within no time if we begin to doubt and suspect each other due to lack of love and understanding. Let us keep love prevailing in our hearts, minds and in the society. 

We would like create or craft out our image, standing and name in the society and among friends, for which we will do anything and go any extent to achieve it. it is not what we achieve and have but what we are within. It is not knowing about ourselves and others but accepting the others and us as we are. We may be very good, may be doing a lot of social and charitable works for others, but one thing we must keep in mind that those who misunderstand and do not accept us, they will hold on that opinion till their death, because do not want to change their opinion and outlook. We can undergo an eye surgery but not the surgery of opinion and outlook. 

We are blessed with a lot of gifts and talents from the Lord our God and He continues to fill us up every moment. sometimes we begin comparing ourselves with the others and lose touch with our own reality and gifts. Let us not waste time in finding out how much God has blessed the other, how many big gifts he has showered on the others, let us not be busy with this. But how much the lord has blessed us with, we must find time to recognise, acknowledge and live them in its entirety.  There are some of us we always look for flaws and faults, mistakes and imperfections in the others, but they forget to see themselves to look into the mirror but use binoculars to see the faults of the others. 

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