Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Two sides of Human Life!!!!!!!!!!

Life is made up of good and bad, positive and negative, perfect and imperfect one. They make life worth living and give us meaning and significance when these two movements are understood in right perspectives. Both have their impact on the way we live and they give us different taste of life's events. But those who really accept in a right spirit realise that they are inter-dependent and are incomplete without each other. But we ought to learn an important lesson that let us not allow the moments of happiness to linger on our head and dwell in heart and mind and the same way let us not embrace the sadness and negative moments to our heart but learn to let go....

We know, read, hear and watch that prestige, positions, power, authority, money, richness and strength when misused has its own consequences on the one who misuses it. So the wisdom is not to misuse but use it for personal and social good. People who have misused it against the poor for centuries seen that the curses of them have affected personal and familial situations and even brought end and destruction of the properties and wealth. It has left them pauper with nothing to survive on.

Social media i consider a blessing in itself because it has brought the world and human beings very close and many good things have been experienced by walks of people. Communication is super fast and news good and bad travels faster than one who would have imagined years before. The us of it depends totally on one's formation of the person and can be a source of new learning and exploration. We do not use social media in order to make impression on the others, or to let know others about our intelligence, wisdom, expertise ete but use it in order to bring some change and transformation in the life, character and behaviour of the people who access the social media for some solace, some answers, some peace in their troubled live, Let social media really connect human beings and bring about the peace, tranquility, peace and harmony, brotherhood and solidarity that existed much before but now pushed to the Corner. So while using the social media platform one should take care of one's pen, mind, tongue and ideas so that they do not break the social fabric but it should build up bonds.

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