Sunday, June 20, 2021

Create Your own Destiny !!!!!!!

Jesus don't you care that we are perishing and drowning. Are you not worried about us and we are all going to die in wind and storm. These are the questions of every human being of every age and generation. And Jesus shows us through calming of the sea by rebuking that God is still in the business, of delivering His people. And when we call to mind, what He's done for us, we can't help, but thank Him and praise Him!!! 

Our modern world has made our life so easy and comfortable. You have access to all wisdom, love and power, through your joy. Every day is something new arrives or produced to make our lives comfortable and every day really is a gift, but we have to see it that way. Maybe you're not where, you'd like to be in life, but look how far you've already come. God is doing big things, in you and through you, and He has more in store

We see men running frantically looking for God and some of them make pilgrimages to search and experience God by spending huge amount of money, avoiding to see and experience God in the place, locality, house, home and family where He is really present. We have to realize people can’t see God, but they can see us. The question is, are we representing Him the right way, as His ambassadors? To live fearless and free, is to let your light shine, with your actions, not just with your words.

We create our own destiny through our words, thoughts and actions. The more positive they are, the more positive, our destiny will be. but we see that most of the time we are not shaping and creating our destiny which we are capable of doing so. When we use the power that we possess then as a real human being are not afraid to say," I don't know" when someone asks and humility becomes the hallmark of our existence. 

Happy people are real and authentic. They are in touch with their feelings and spend time.. learning, growing and developing.When you face opposition, ordinary people would be worried & begin to complain. But here's the key, you're not ordinary. You have the blessing Making hard choices can be liberating, because it helps define who you are and demonstrates the power, we all have, to shape our lives.

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