Friday, June 18, 2021

Be Beautiful and Loving, Make others Beautiful and Loving

it is very easy and normal person to be surprised and shocked by the remarks and opinion about one's performance, actions, intelligence, especially when it is expressed in a distasteful ways. We normally feel rejected, dejected and moral goes down because of few remarks about our person and caliber, talents and capability. In these moments we need to keep accepting and believing who we are and keep performing to our best and not throw our guards away due to someone's immature or prejudiced remark about our capacities and caliber. just be proud who you are and what you are. Your being who you are and what you want to be does not depend on someone else immature remark. Be proud and keep and hold your head high, because jealous and failed people try to taste and doubt the worth of another person based on one's own performance.  Because people always doubt V the "Gold" for it's purity, not the "Iron"

Today many people are dying due to covid and unexpected diseases. some new born kids and children who have hardly seen life are dead due to hunger and malnutrition. You rise up in the morning and see yourself alive and active, can see the nature and hear your near ones speaking and conversing in the house. That life colours yorr world and dreams, you are still a voice and person in the universe to contribute your share and make this world a better place to live for all. There are people who truly and dearly care, love you and never want to give you up and abandon you. 

Many of us either live in the past or live in the future. what is gone is never going to come back to us and what is not yet and not sure what is in store for us, better not worry and be tensed of it. It is better to live in the present, enjoy its beauty, insert and bathe yourself in the joys and happiness of the day. Let the present time and its blessing rise and remain in your heart and spread it to those who live hopeless lives. Let the present moment be seen in your smile, walk, talk, speech, actions and words. Make God's grace transparent and open to all and let there be grace all over and around you.

The mantra and teaching of all major religions in the world is that God is present in us all and made visible and known through good deeds and actions. When God is felt and experienced many good hearts open up to the moral values and beliefs. They become generous in everything and keep doing things for others and expect nothing in return. These people never get disappointed when failures and criticism on your way.  We all know that good and beautiful, compassionate and loving life does not just happen, it is built daily through acts of behaviour, humility, simplicity, sacrifice and love. Make yours and others life beautiful and loving, compassionate and good.

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