Saturday, December 5, 2020

Touch the Hearts!!!!!!!


We are all looking for meaning in life and we keep looking for it everywhere except in ourselves and the means that we have at hand. Sometimes we feel that so and so would make us happy with their gracious presence, it might be true or may not be true. But it is important that the presence of the other in our lives should be able to touch our hearts which is the seat and source of happiness. When someone touches our hearts we have a different feeling that no one can give us in any format. The touch is filled with so many aspects which human beings long to be complete and feel meaningful.

There are many ways of touching each other's heart but one way is so very important is to grant a feeling and assurance that we are with the person who needs that loving, compassionate, and kind touch. That touch will a long way to make that person happy. That touch can make him realize that though there are many ways to be happy there are no ways and means to be happier than the others. 

What makes us happy is to apply our experience to our day to day activities and keep doing good for others, because experience and good deeds are only two teachers who guide our way towards happiness. Good deeds teach us to fight against all that is all evil and experience teaches us to win in any situation.

To lessen all worries and tensions, to live a fulfilled and happy life, to lessen the pain and sufferings in our lives, we need to learn that nothing is ours that we possess or have, think and feel that nothing we had, and realize that nothing will be ours.

As someone said so beautifully when your house accidentally burns or is ruined in rain and storm, there is always insurance which will cover up the expenses, but what about the dreams when they are burnt, ruined and destroyed? When it rains who have umbrella to protect us from rain, but what when tears run down from our eyes? If thorn piereces us our feet which can be easily removed with pain but when someone pierces you with negative and critical words? if a Tiger comes on our way we can run away from it but what about our pride when it comes across in our life? When our body is diseased there is medicines to cure it, but what about our spirit and mind when it is sick? For all these above "IF's" one good friend is much better than all medicines available 

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