Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Good bye 2020

 So Fast you are leaving us with experiences in our lives and the life of the Universe. You have been very special to all of us, as you taught many lessons worth preserving and writing them down in the history books. You began well but suddenly made all of us go through a terrible moment in our history. You awakened all of us, who glorified and boasted in our achievements, you showed our place in the universe as mere creatures who cannot run away from the Creator. You were kind enough to bring about love, compassion, and solidarity among us. You taught us what it means to accept our place and space in the universe and not try to dominate and abuse nature. You brought about peace and reconciliation in broken families where the hearts were divided, we lived as a family without bonding, we lived on material happiness and per=ace but spiritual life and peace evaded us due to many unnecessary factors which took us away from the Creator and each other.

You have taught the biggest lessons in life, that is when the heart is hurt by the closest one, there are tears in eyes which need to be seen and experienced by those who hurt us, then they would understand the true meaning of relationships, there is meaning in bonding and communion as brothers and sisters. You have shown that we need genuine relationships and not artificial ones for one's advantage and gain, which do not last long and which are false based on false promises. 

You have brought us to the realization that we cannot close our eyes to certain realities and facts of being human, that we are limited and cannot think of touching the moon as we will. We cannot compromise with certain truths of life and some mistakes and faults cannot be covered or give a blind eye. You have taught us to believe that never to think that you are good and bad because when people have needs and you meet their needs, so you are good. when the need for their's is over, then you are bad, this is how humans relate and connect with.  You showed us to keep walking as it is a journey that we are on, keep showing the magnanimity of your heart as it is a pilgrimage and when we lose ourselves for the sake of others it becomes devotion.

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