Tuesday, December 15, 2020

 Our Faith in our God can make the mountains bow down and even shake it off. Faith has tremendous power that can take us beyond the horizon and lead us to our goals. But the opposite of Faith and trust is doubt can do something negative and uproot all the relationships. Doubt can create mountains of suspicion. It has the power to break down everything that has been built over the years with hard work and effort. 

In life, it is very important to have the right knowledge of persons and things around, events and situations that occur in each one of our lives. The right understanding and knowledge of the right direction and right time is very important to achieve goals and built up a true and just humane society. If we don't have the right knowledge of direction and time then things can go awry or overboard, everything becomes meaningless and useless. 

Relationships do not break up on their own but misunderstanding and ego breaks them down beyond repair. You ask anyone who is the victim of these broken relationships and they would give us the above two reasons. Marriages of many years have been on rocks due to misunderstanding and doubts and egoistic attitudes. There are a lot of pains and sufferings due to broken relationships. The most badly affected are the children and elderly persons due to these breakages of relationships. so remove this evil and poison from our lives and fill it up with faith and trust, understanding, and acceptance.

Our Parish priest Fr. Thomas Sebastian from the province of St. Joseph Kerla. We have known each other for many years and it is a great joy and pleasure to work with him in the parish. 

Many complain and grumble about things that they don't have or possess, they look at other's success and property and cry that they do not have what others have. They forget that they possess much more precious than the others, just forget to appreciate themselves...their talents and gifts. Use God-given talents, gifts, and blessings for our own good and for the sake of others to make a better world to live in. 

One of my formators would always tell us that one should not become the cause and reason for someone else pain and suffering, one should cause the other to cry or to be sad with our remarks and attitudes. one may not be able to make others happy but that does not mean one can make others cry due to critical nature and negative behavior. 

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