Friday, December 11, 2020

Christmas goodies!!!!!!!!!!!!


Christmas is around the corner and we are getting ready to welcome the Lord in our lives. The Salvation brought by Jesus though we did not merit. He has destroyed the darkness and animosity, destroyed the evil power and he teaches us to do the same in our lives.

No one is born in this world as our friend and enemy, only our behavior, attitude, way of looking, our morality decides who is our friend and enemy. it is true in our lives. If we put our lives in order and live according to the divine teaching there will be so many people who will support and help, accept and love God's children. Enemies walk into our lives, the moment we deviate from the noble and right path when we start living according to the norms and laws created by us for our own convenience.

This Christmas we should learn and understand that we come empty-handed and return to the Lord empty-handed. We need to leave everything behind for the others. So it is good that we do not return empty-handed to the Lord but filed with our love, charity, acts of compassion, and works that please God. We know from our religious teachings that our final destination and home is God's House, so let us return rich to please and make God happy. When we visit our guests or sick people in the hospital,we normally carry some things, so why not carry spiritual things for a God whom we don't see and yet have strong faith in him. How can we go to God with empty hands, when we have worshipped and adored, loved, and believed in Him all through our lives? 

So Let us promise the Lord Jesus to do keep doing good works, when the time comes to leave our earthly homes and return to our true home, we can be ready fully geared up and prepared with our sacks filled with good works to offer to the Lord. 

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