Sunday, March 24, 2019

Consent to God's Call!!!!!!!!!!

God chose to become one of us through the consent and strong affirmation on the part of Mother Mary....she believes in the greetings and message that angel Gabriel brought to her....her consent is free without any her Love for God remains till the end unconditional response....what an example for all of us who are give not half hearted consent but a full, total and fully meditated and reflected one....
 Jesus Son of God becomes fully and truly human, becomes man like us....His response to His father too was unconditional....consent to the will of His Father......his consent to be Incarnate makes Him to share our joys and sorrows, pains and joys.....
 Mary teaches us that the Call we receive should lead us to faithfulness in carrying out the will of surrender to God's plan will make clear our goal and mission in Life....
 In every call there is fear and anxiety expressed......due to uncertainty and insecurity....But God assures us saying that not to fear....His presence will be with us.....He carries us on His shoulder and leads us to green pastures
 People save good memories in a pen drive and bad memories in mind...Just change the location, life will automatically CHANGE....  

 In one minute life cannot change ....but a one minute reflection and meditation over a problem and then a decision take can change our life...

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