Sunday, March 10, 2019

Its "I and We" - Who Build Community!!!!!

The faith, hope, love, and mission that characterize religious community are not just something to be eloquently articulated; they are to be passionately lived. Unless they are present in our everyday life, their significance is compromised if not completely nullified. The daily experiences of community living shape our lives as individuals. The continuing development of our self-understanding and identity, of our priorities and preferences, and of the mode and meaning of our relationships is affected by those experiences. Community living also touches and shapes our lives as ministries. The quality of witness we present through our apostolic involvements can be profoundly affected- strengthened or weakened- by our daily experiences of life in community.

The most basic need of a human being is ‘to love and to be loved’ asserts psychology. In other words, the human person is made to love and to be loved. Everyone, then, has the need for a sense of belonging, to be accepted, esteemed and loved. “Accept one another for the glory of God as Christ has accepted you” says St. Paul (Rom 15:7). 

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