Thursday, March 14, 2019

A Call to Be Joyful and Happy!!!!!

The only commandment Jesus has given to us is love of God and Love of neighbor.  Very often we stress so much on first that we give so much time to express our love for God and forget the second part
 We are sent out into the world to love one another.  At times the way we live our life here on earth it appears as if we were sent into the world to fight with one another, to criticize one another or even quarrel with one another that at times ends up in great tragedy e.g. murdering the other person psychologically.

 Is it really Christian way of life? Jesus has not called us to dispute, to criticize, to quarrel with one another rather he has asked us to live our life in such a way so that by seeing our life others may know what is means loving our fellow brothers and sisters.  At times we may raise question to Jesus saying. “What right have you to demand that we love another? His answer is “No man can show greater love than to lay down his life for his friends and I did that”.

 Jesus has given us the commandment, which he himself has fulfilled in his life.  Someone asked Jesus how much do you love me.  Jesus stretched out his hands like a form of a cross and said ‘this much’ and died on the cross. E.g. Sparrow and white rose
We are sent out into the world to love one another.  At times the way we live our life here on earth it appears as if we were sent into the world to fight with one another, to criticize one another or even quarrel with one another that at times ends up in great tragedy.

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