Monday, May 3, 2021

Show Us the Father!!!!!!!

The desire to see the Father on the part of the apostles is expressed by St. Philip. it is but natural when they are so long with the Master who has been speaking about the Father often. But they failed to experience and see the Father in Him because they were not yet spiritually matured to come to this stage. The Master gives them the right answer so that they understand the He represents the Father. Their association and acquaintance with Jesus should have led them to recognise and accept the Father in Him, but due to their human and spiritual formation had not been completed. Understanding and peacefulness does not depend on the age and how many years one has spent with, but it depends on the experiences in life that we have and go through. 

To maintain friendships and relationships with dear and nears ones, it is important to understand each others weakness and mistakes of life. This mentality and attitude will help us not to sit in judgment sit and only look at the mistakes of the others but leads us to appreciate and accept the goodness of the other. The power, prosperity, success and money is the fruits of our hard labour in life but family, relatives, friends are the foundation of our life which we need to preserve and nurture at any cost.

To understand the importance of the Sea and shore we need to approach close to the waves which crash on to it and then disappears leaving behind its marks. Sea does not boast of its power and strength but it remains serene and quite only when pressurised by the strong wind it becomes ferocious. To understand the importance and value of the Water one needs to visit the places where there is draught and famine, how people and animals crave and long for a drop of it to quench their thirst. so to understand God's presence and the love of the close ones one needs to be always in touch and contact with them. They teach a great lessons like sea, waves and water. 

Words and mind, behaviour should be pure and upright, there should be any dark side to it otherwise they bring destruction to oneself and others. Human beings are prone to forget the face of the person but the words spoken and the attitude and behaviour shown will never be forgotten and erased easily from our lives. 

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