Thursday, January 22, 2015

Are we Healers?

Gospel: Mk 3:7-12
     Jesus and his disciples withdrew to the lakeside and a large crowd from Galilee followed him. A great number of people also came from Judea, Jerusalem, Idumea, Transjordan and from the region of Tyre and Sidon, for they had heard of all that he was doing.
     Because of the crowd, Jesus told his disciples to have a boat ready for him, to prevent the people from crushing him. He healed so many that all who had diseases kept pressing towards him to touch him. Even the people who had evil spirits, whenever they saw him, would fall down before him and cry out, “You are the Son of God.” But he warned them sternly not to tell anyone who he was.

There are so many priests who have got the power of healing and continuously do the prayers of intercession. There are a lot of people who seek these priests not because they have healing powers but because they represent jesus Christ who suffered for us. These men of God intercede for the needy people in the Name of Jesus, the great healer. Today the need of us priests to go round healing those wounded physically, psychologically and morally. They have no one to turn to. Even if they find one they get wrong direction and end of spending all their fortunes. 

These people need consecrated men who have been ordained and given the power of the Lord. We need to intercede and pray for these people. There are people crying out for help but sometimes we are too busy with our administrative works that we have no time to spend for them. The question that we need to ask ourselves are we Ordained to be administrators and managers or Healers and Givers?

They search us frantically but we are not available...the people searched Jesus and found him as a consoler, healer and teacher. Great crowds followed Him because they felt at home in His presence. He did not shout or scold, did not shoo them away but remained, listened and guided them. That these people did not remain with Him when things were not fine with Him, that is Human Nature....But he did not complain. We too will have such kind of people around us. But we need to keep on doing good for the sake of God.
     To follow Jesus even if he does not cure our ailments and solve our problems is the mark of a mature Christian. This requires a lot of faith and we are called to be faithful to him. Why? Because Jesus has always been faithful to us. His death on the cross should provoke us to believe this and to desire to follow him. Then when we have gotten to know him intimately, we will truly love him because his love for us is very deep and personal.No one loves us as Jesus does. Once we have experienced this, we will want not only want to love him back but also want to imitate him.

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