Monday, February 7, 2022

You are always Growing

There are many of us that ignore the positive signs in life which teach us about ourselves and the things that are happening to us and around us. We need to pay attention to the lovely and creative patterns in life which tell us the beauty and wonders of being human.Sometimes people complain that nothing works in life, we experience failures and hurdles in life to achieve greater heights. But if we open eyes we will realise that everything works out in the end for our own benefits. We fail to see it because we are blinded with fear and anxiety. If we accept all that happens to us we will realise that everything takes slowly but surely takes us to a greater destination. We are always growing and it is a fact and truth of life. It is not physical growth but emotional and spiritual growth.


When you are deep and solid into the healing journey which takes you inward to know and accept who you are, we forget the outside world because the the new world allows us to taste the real meaning of life. But when you heal, others heal, and it’s the biggest service to those around you. Personal healing is not meant for oneself but it always comes with a mission to heal those around us by sharing the experience and leading them to that inner reality where they will experience the joy of being a perfect human being. Thus you lead yourself on the process of growth.


We sometimes don’t realise that the things that we do to others allows us to experience and taste the beauty and sweetness of growth. There are many ways like visiting a sick and lonely neighbours, helping someone who is in trouble getting a job done, one who is jobless and needs it badly to look after his family, someone who is accused falsely and languishing in the jail without trial, we go out to help him get released through the legal help offered to him, initiating a dialogue with an irritating co-worker or even a family member forgetting all about the past but just beginning to relate in a new way. Through all these positive ways we grow to be real and to be worthy of our call. 


Growing to be according to the plan of God is something that we all must strive and try to achieve in our lives. This can happen through a deep prayer and communion with the Lord which makes us to understand that God has a purpose in our life and He does everything according that purpose to shape our destiny and events in our lives. He will never do anything wrong but will allow us to achieve those things which we dream of achieving in life. 

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