Thursday, January 27, 2022

Grow like a Mustard seed in Patience and not in a speed!!!!!!!

Jesus Christ taught the secrets of growing in Love and building up the Kingdom of God through out the Gospels. He indicates the right nature, attitude and behavior, the believers need in order to be the part of the building process of the kingdom of God. The seed of grace and love that He sows in each of us is like the mustard seed that grows silently and patiently without making any noise or sound but in obedience grows to be a biggest shrub. The growing of the mustard seed teaches us that God's word acts in our life provided we allow patiently and silently God's word to work in us. 

Many of God's blessings and graces act and wok in us without us realizing  it but the fruits and effects are seen in our words, deeds and actions. We as human being dependent on God's grace need to welcome it in a worthy manner by preparing our heart and soul to receive it. Once the soil of attitude and behaviour is right and prepared the grace blooms beyond our expectations and imaginations. Like the seed which grows without haste, pause and making any noise but graciously becomes what it is called to be. 

We with modern social media and comforts, technology and computerization often are impatient with ourselves and with others, we would like to have quick and fast results, sometimes it leads us to depressions and desperation when not results are not achieved. Quick changes do not last long they satisfy us for that moment and then leave us empty and broken. 

We live immersed in the culture of rapidity, but God, who is Love, is patient & that is what He invites us to do: to know how to wait, not to be discouraged, not to judge before the time, because germination is slow & we can devastate it if we do not respect its time. If we want to work for the Kingdom of God, we must learn to be patient & let the grace of God act in each soul, without imposing our rhythms. He knows how to do it. Yes the Kingdom grows, slowly, hidden when we least expect it, we see it's fruits. Today more dan ever we must have confidence & believe God, for it is not we who make the seed grow, but He.

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