Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Be Brave and Confident!!!!!!!!!!!


Brave and confident persons do not fear or run away from problems and difficulties but face them with grace and strength but frightened persons never have confidence or dare to look into the difficult situations or face to the challenges, they run away from everything and seek cosy and easy environment without hard work want to be happy. In today's world without being brave and confident not easy to be successful and achieve our goals without having to face difficult moments. The society recognises those who are fearless and produce positive results are accepted and honoured. These brave men would like to leave behind an impression and legacy and would like to be instruments of peace, change, forgiveness and love, would always dream to lessen the pain and sufferings of the society. They believe that what we possess is not ours, nothing we possessed and nothing will ever remain as our possession.

There are people we come across in our journey of life who never notices the tears of the others, they cannot sense the pain and sufferings of the others, others do not value you or ignore your pain and sufferings but they always take note of your failures and mistakes, who make mountain out of a mole. These persons believe in prosperity and wealth, they value persons in terms of money and achievements. But forget that wealth can buy everything but can never purchase love and relationships which are more precious than the wealth and money.

We must learn that bitter medicines we never bite or eat like food but we swallow them because we would not want to leave the bitter taste in our mouth. The spiritual men and women have taught us in the history that like bitten medicines we must in life learn to accept insults, defeat, criticism, backstabbing etc to be swallowed up. Let us not bite and keep it in our mouths. the more you try to eat them up the more life will bring up bitterness. 

The mirror shows our face with all the dirt on our face, but we do not break the mirror because it shows our dark moles and spots on the face, but we try to clean the face and remove the dark spots. In the same way those who try to belittle and downgrade us let us not be angry with them but try to reflect on our weaknesses and dark spots. If there are no brakes in a car, an accident is sure, similar in life there is no discipline and limitations, destruction is sure. 

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