Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Understand Each other, To Understand God.......

One of the greatest human triumphs, is to make room in our hearts, for both joy and pain. We want life, to be as dazzling and painless, as possible. Life, on the other hand, has a way of humbling us, and heartbreak is built into its agreement, with the world. Do not fly too high on praise, or too low on criticism. Adjusting your altitude, to minimize mental turbulence, is a superpower. Perhaps, they were never worthy of your warmth, your understanding, your commitment & your smile. But do not regret a single moment. You gave your all ~ & not everyone has the capacity, to do that. It takes an incredibly big heart, to love those, who make you out.. to be small.

The birds need strong wings to fly swiftly and strongly up high in the sky. Some birds concentrate building up their wings so that they can fly higher and faster than the others, especially the migratory birds who have to fly miles and miles. They do succeed in covering the distance because of the strength and power of all the birds together. The big and small put all their energies in use and soar higher and higher, the outstanding things is their humility that shines out during their flight. We humans cannot fly higher like the birds but if we have the virtue of humility and bow down before each other without showing our might and strength, power and authority, intelligence and wisdom we can touch the sky together. 

Someone said that there are many rich people in this universe but they are not really rich, they are much poorer than the poor on the streets who have nothing of their own which they can call their own. The definition of the rich or moneyed person is that the person is able to live good moral life, respect human and divine values and commandments, the one who can protect his own and those around him and provide security of love and concern, the one who will honor parents and make them the top priority of his life, one who lives with honor, pride and respect, one who does not humiliate and take advantage of the others to make money, if you have this riches and money, you are the most richest person on the planet. 

I always liked and cherished what one of our professors in the seminary said that if we do not understand the scriptures, we will never understand and recognise the Saint among us. If we do not understand and accept the saints we will not accept and understand "God" among us. 

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