Saturday, August 14, 2021

Seek Guidance from Right Masters!!!!!!!


Today there are people seeking counsellors, spiritual fathers and gurus for guidance and counselling for various mental, emotional and psychological problems people are facing. Some of these counsellors are very effective, well informed and experienced people who really offer support and guidance. Many of them are ill-prepared and informed as a result they misguide and confuse the clients and at the end extract a lot of money from them. Most of them under the guise of being spiritual guides and gurus end up earning huge money and even abuse their clients in many ways like spiritual, emotionally. It is always advisable to go seeking men and women of faith, prayer and God experience and it is not difficult to trace them as their fruits are seen and spoken about. In my opinion we must approach men and women who are both spiritual, successful and unsuccessful because they carry loads of experiences which is helpful. The successful people tell us what to do in order to be stepping on the ladder of success and from unsuccessful people we get to learn what not to do in search of success and how to accept failures with dignity and pride. 

When we go through bad times in life the thought that dominates our hearts and minds is how to get rid and overcome these moments and be free from all these hassles. But we know well that however we try hard we cannot do away the shadows from darkness, pain and loneliness in old age and at the end of our lives our wealth.  We have to be like flowers which make the thread sweet smelling when they are tied with it and we have to be like flowers make every sweet with our inner scent. Also seek people who are sweet smelling because their presence and person keeps us fresh and happy, such people's company makes us to think positive and remain always proactive and spread a lot of wisdom to us. 

We all have eyes and more or less they are same except in size and color but the way we look at each with the same eyes differently and have different perceptions and visions and according to which we judge those at whom we look. The outlook of a person differentiate him from the rest and this outlook separates man from man, as a result we have interpersonal relationship problems and issues.  

In our human life some things we receive without asking and something we get by going close to them. They are good and positive people whose company is always a blessing as they keep sending positive and constructive vibes to those in whose contact they come. something like ice we go close we receive the coldness which does good if it is warm outside, go close to the fire and it warms us up in winter and makes us to feel better, when you are looking for sweet smell go close to some of the flowers like rose and jasmine they shower the scent which we enjoy and in which we get lost. So it is good for our soul and spiritual life not to bombard GOD BY asking incessantly but by getting close to him in our mind and heart we would receive all that we need at the moment even without asking. 

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