Sunday, January 17, 2021

Law or Love?

    We need both love and law in a civilised and developed society. They both help and support our human living and build up human relationships and maintain order in the society. The lawless and loveless societies are lifeless and don't go anywhere or grow to be what they are supposed to be. Sometimes in order to maintain, practice and promulgate Law, we human beings add too much weight to it and forget the human values and principles which make human life more beautiful. We keep adding more and more laws and rules, sometimes to push our hidden agenda through them at the cost of human relationships and lives. For a society to be peaceful we need the laws and no one should take them for granted but they should serve every human being and not destroy life. 

    In order to please God and to be right before Him, we are tempted to add many rules to the Laws and commandments that we practice in the Church. They are requirement to live our spiritual lives as it is commanded that the Sabbath day has to be kept holy. Jesus followed it very faithfully, He rested on Sabbath. The Lord's day helps us to enjoy the well earned rest for us and to spend quality time with the family members, time to reflect and meditate on our performance and gain more spiritual, emotional and psychological strength and energy to face the challenges of life.

    Let us not turn our religious practices, traditions and laws into an outward show and observation. It should not be to burden life and miss religious and spiritual purposes and intentions. Let us not follow the letter of the law and ignore love of the neighbour. 

    If someone imposes severely the practices of Law, we must remind them the teachings of Jesus. It is easy to outburst at someone for no valid reasons in the practice of Law, we may hardened our hearts towards being kind and compassionate towards the needy and apply Law when Love is to be shown. Let us inculcate and embrace the spirit of the Law.

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