Thursday, July 23, 2020

We Don’t Walk alone!!!!!!!

Jesus walked along with the sinners, sick and under privileged ones. He gave them feeling of being accepted and loved. All these men and women always felt that the Lord was walking along with the saviour and redeemer of the world. 

Don’t ever lose hope. Even when life seems bleak and hopeless, know that you are not alone. Nancy Reagan

Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in light. Helen Keller

But unfortunately, these men and women were feeling alone, lonely and rejected by their very own relations. They were thrown out of love and understanding shield and circle of the family. They fell down in brokenness and darkness, no one of their own looked and showed compassion and mercy.

 In their loneliness, they felt that the world of theirs had crushed and crumbled down. There was no one to tell them that they were not alone but others were in there along with them, they were supporting and loving them….we will not abandon you……I know it is a huge urgency to be with you in your bad moments….i know your identity has been crushed and I am here to uplift it…give you a feeling that you are one of us… are wanted and loved…..i will bring out the newness from you….you are not alien but known to my heart and mind…

Life is not what you alone make it. Life is the input of everyone who touched your life and every experience that entered it. We are all part of one another. Yuri Kochiyama
Knowing that you are not alone really does make all the difference in the world. 


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