Friday, November 26, 2021

Lessons learnt from the Elders!!!!!!

The age old wisdom of our elders who lived and believed in that We come with nothing, we go with nothing; but one great thing we can achieve in our beautiful life is a little remembrance in someone's mind and a small place in someone's heart. It is so true in our human journey on earth. To remember someone for the good that a person has done in our lives and then enjoy his goodness all through our lives is really a God's gift. Today we easily forget the good done or given, ingratitude is on the increase, parents feel the most of it as the children just forget the sacrifices they have made for the growth and upbringing of their children. Let us live in the memory of our beloved ones through our words, deeds and actions. 

There is only one way to happiness, and that is to cease worrying about things which are beyond the power of our will..this was often repeated by my beloved father especially during the annual examinations in the school. He would say that you have to do your hard work and rest leave to God to take care of the rest. Not to worry what grades and marks you will get, because by worrying you let go the precious moments of the present which you can apply for your studies, to apply your mind and focus on the goal that you would like to achieve.

When schooling we had some friends in the school who were notorious and would bully and beat the other students for no reason. They would do this outside the school compound or on the streets while returning home. These boys were good but had lost their way due to bad companions from other school. One of my cousin would get beaten up by these bad boys and he would run away. one day my uncle told him that Running away from any problem will only increase the distance from the solution. FACE IT and FINISH IT. My cousin got the message and lesson of his life. The next day itself while returning from school the bad boys surrounded him and began to punch, my cousin became so strong and powerful at that moment that he thrashed all four boys and beat them black and blue. He was the hero in the school. 

One our assistant parish priests who was in charge of the youth in our parish at Nirmal Vasai was very popular with us with his acting and singing skills. More than this he was able to wear our shoes and understand us and help us accordingly. We would enjoy his sermons as they were full of stories and experiences connected with the Gospel. He would make the Mass more interesting and as a result there was 100% participation in the Eucharist. One day during the youth gathering he said something like this that We are all visitors to this time, this place, we are just passing through. Our purpose is to observe to learn, to grow, to love and then we return to our sweet HOME

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