Sunday, September 13, 2020

Fraternal Moments - Provincial Curia and Fatima Friary, Mumbai

Medicines cannot cure and heal that is done by tow minutes of conversation with those who are sich physically and spiritually.  Seek and desire Truth and you will never demand or expect anything from others. If our lives have to be happy then we need to sacrifice 'taste and argument" because if you sacrifice taste, it is beneficial to the Body and if you sacrifice argument, it is beneficial for relationships. 
Our Fraternity at Fatima Friary and Provincial Curia, we have two friars who are 86 years old, hale and hearty, they are very much independent and are regular for all the exercises of the fraternity. They are great examples and models for all young friars....

Br. Evarist Celebrated his 85th Birthday and Guardian Br. Rajesh Sweeting the Mouth of Br. Evarist with a piece of cake....
Br. Provincial Br. Philip speaking few words on the occassion 
The Provincial council gathered for two days for their meeting here

The feast of Nativity of BVM was celebrated here in Fatima. Br. Manuel decorated the chapel and statute of BVM beautifully.....
I was the main celebrant for the feast and preached a homily about the Birth of BMV

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