Sunday, June 7, 2020

Recollection and Inauguration the New Academic Year 2020-21

Friday evening we began our recollection on the theme " Capuchin Vocation and its challenges" and concluded it with the Holy Eucharist on Saturday before Lunch. The talk was in the morning at 9am given by me followed by the sacrament of reconciliation. The blessed sacrament priests are neighbours who were invited for the same.
 Today we officially inaugurated the academic year with the solemn eucharist presided over by Br. Wilson D'Souza. He was delegated by the provincial minister to receive also the vows of 5 brothers of the second year...they renewed their vows for another one year in the hands of Br. Wilson
 Brother Godfree introduced the theme and the significance of the feast of Holy Trinity

 Br. Roshan proclaiming the first reading
 Br. Suhas proclaiming the second reading
 Br. Benhur, the rector announcing the Gospel of the day
 Br. Wilson delivering homily on the occasion
 5 brothers renewing their vows.....for one year
 Br. Lipton prayed the prayers of faithful....prayed for all the needs of the society, church, order and province

 we have 16 brothers from 1-4th year of Theology....5 are yet arrive as they are stuck due to lockdown...
 It is not the complete community......but by end of June we should have....
 selfie moment........brothers cutting home made cake by the brothers.....we rejoiced with them...

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