Sunday, June 14, 2020

Good Relatioships Promote happiness!!!!!!!!!!!

Next year I am going to complete 29 years of my Priesthood in the Capuchin Franciscan Order and I had a very satisfying and contended ministry. Wherever I have been the Lord has used me to the fullest and I have given my best to be a fitting instrument of the Lord. I have had pastoral, formation animation and also guiding the friars for about 15 years as an animator in the province and as General councillor of the Order. The most pastoral work that I enjoyed was counselling and guiding the faithful who have relationships problems in their marital status. 

 I have come across many couples as well as religious who have good relationships between the spouses and community members were the most happy and healthy people to hang around with. The influence that they exuberate is tremendous. Their body language is very positive and have less health issues. These men and women are satisfied with themselves, family, members, friends and society at large. They eat well, sleep soundly, eating healthy food and do not cross any physical, moral and emotional boundaries. They wear a million dollar smile and go about because they enjoy satisfying relationships, dialogues, arguments, better comphrension and understanding the other which leads to great happiness.  These people have better social connections and good number of friends. They go around as missionaries of happy and satisfied lives, they don’t preach but just witness to the inner joys and happiness. 
We need a quality of life which will depend on how well we are connected with other people and environment in which we live. The quality of life is important than what we possess which does not grantee happiness. People who are happy have less tensions, anxiety, depressions and anger. They are spiritually, physically and emotionally healthy people. They promote supportive relationships in the community and society. They become great motivators of happy and satisfied lives. 
These satisfied people understand the true meaning of life and so they create a social support through their exemplary lives. They are ready to listen, care for the others, step out to help others in the crisis of life. Being non-judgmental and non-critical people, they always promote and motivate to handle conflicts and stress of everyday life. These happy people have tremendous energy which attract many people to them. 

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