Friday, August 23, 2019

Friars visiting and Help supplied to Flood Affected areas of Our Province

Two weeks back Maharashtra experienced heavy rains and the floods in some parts of the state....many people lost their lives and properties...standing crops and animals were destroyed...Our Capuchin friaries in two places were under the flood waters...many friars visited these friars and the rest of the friars were connected through social media....a lot of fraternal solidarity is shown and experienced 
 In Papal seminary campus religious and formation houses collected a lot of essential items for the flood affected people....the campus people asked La Verna, our Capuchin Theologate to take charge of the collected food items and clothes, etc...Our Pimpri fraternity came forward to sponsor the transport expenses and agreed to deliver the goods to Sangli.....

 This morning Fathers John and Alfred left with a Tempo with food items for the flood affected people

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