Thursday, December 27, 2018

Pray for the Innocent Children of the World

 We know that so many innocent children are affected by war, famine and malnutrition....many die due to lack of food, water and medicines....
 Many Babies are not allowed to see the world but they are killed before they could see the light of the world
 A lot of children are given arms in their hands instead of toys.....

 A lot of children run for shelter in order to avoid being killed by Bombs...
 We know how many children are kidnapped and for years we have no Idea where they are kept...

 so many children are Orphaned by war, hate and crime....
 How many children are abused by grown ups....physical, mental, emotional and psychological abuse..
The world has to stand together in order to save the Children
 A girl child is not welcomed in some part of the world....

 Let us respect all the young ones as they are the future of our world..

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