Sunday, January 13, 2019

Take Me as I am!!!!!!!!!!

Human being always has this desire that someone will understand or accept him or her as they are without any conditions and expectations. The Nuptials that I bless, I make a point to instruct the couple to take each other as they are without any undue expectation. To take someone as one is demands courage and respect. I have come across persons who with deep sadness have shared that they were not accepted because they were not good looking, intelligent or rich. They have been insulted and rejected due to their color, caste and religion. It is wrong to deny someone a place and space for someone in our lives because they don't belong to our class or group. Let us take them as they are because sometimes treasures and jewels are hidden in them. By acceptance we will be led to this great discovery of the persons who are rich in values and principles. 
 In married life if the partner is not going to accept him or her then it is going to be hell for both of them. Non-acceptance could lead to negative decisions in life. The conditions laid by one on the other which sometimes may not be fulfilled by the other due to incapablities can lead to misunderstanding and broken relationships. Take the other as she or he or poor....look at the heart of the person and not at the color and position of the person
 Take me as I am...because I need you to complete me.....your acceptance of my person can enhance my personality.
 Acceptance can lead me to green pastures and allow me to enjoy the inner and external beauty of being human.
 When I am not taken as I am ....I am given to understand that I am nothing or useless....But is it the truth? I believe that the Creator knows my value and he has a place and mission for me....

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