Saturday, June 23, 2018

Last Local Chapter in General Curia, Rome

 The chapter is two months away and the fraternity gathered for the last time for local chapter. We have a very fraternal sharing among ourselves. Each friar shared his own experience in the general curia working in various offices. All of us have good and positive memories of the fraternal love and good rapport and relationship among ourselves. Practically all said that they felt at home in the company of each other. A fraternity very much alive and active, very much involved in the day today works.....each felt the absence of friars .....most of the councillors shared that they would feel the absence of Curia....would always long to come back home...

 Pope: Commandments are God's loving words, not oppressive commands

 "God the father creates by his word and his son is the Word made flesh. Love is nourished by words," the pope said. "Two people who do not love each other cannot communicate. When someone speaks to our heart, our loneliness ends." The devil's temptation of Adam and Eve, which was meant to convince them that God forbade them to eat from the tree to keep them submissive, is a challenge for Christians today who must choose "between a slave mentality and a mentality of children," Francis said. "The Holy Spirit is a spirit of children, it is the spirit of Jesus. A spirit of slaves can only accept the law in an oppressive way, and it can produce two opposite results: either a life made up of duties and obligations or a violent reaction of rejection," he said.

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