Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Birth Place and Baptismal Church of Padre Pio

Padre Pio said that his sufferings could be compared "to that which the martyrs experienced when burned alive or brutally put to death when giving witness to their faith in Jesus Christ."

Padre Pio, November 25, 1915: "My condition is becoming unbearable and I remain alive only by a miracle."

 Padre Pio, Letter, November 3, 1915: "The Lord caused me to experience the pains the damned endure in the infernal regions."
Padre Pio, Letter, August  13, 1916: " . . . I am not exaggerating when I say that the souls in Purgatory certainly suffer no greater pain."
Padre Pio: " . . . I am suffering immensely and I feel I am dying at all times."

Speaking to a person about some of his physical sufferings, Padre Pio said: "It is not so much the days. You see, when the events of the day begin, one thing carries me on to the next, and so the day passes. It is the nights. If I ever allow myself to sleep, the pain of these (and he held up his wounded hands to indicate the stigmata) is multiplied beyond measure."

Responding to a person who asked him if his stigmata hurt, Padre Pio replied: "Do you think that the Lord gave them to me for a decoration?"

Padre Pio: "Just imagine the anguish that I felt then and I still experience practically every day. The wound in the heart bleeds abundantly . . .” “ . . . I have been aware that there is in me something that feels like a sheet of iron that extends from the bottom part of my heart to the lower right side of my back. It causes very sharp pain and doesn’t let me get any rest . . ." 

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