Friday, December 22, 2017

God does great things in Life!!!!!!!!

At the age of 17 he began to steal from the house....he began to sell things from the house in order to buy his drugs...everyone then did not know that he was addicted to drugs...the friends who would come to his house were all in the same boat...the parents were up for a deep shock...the siblings could not believe that their model, elder brother was taking drugs...the police came knocking on the arrest him for a burglary in the town...he was involved along with the other so called friend.....this situation went on for another 17 and out of prison....the family totally destroyed....parents kept hoping....the siblings settled far away from home...did not want to be connected with a brother who was a robber and drug peddler....

The Lord does everything in His own time...he touched him in the prison through the homily of a priest....initially he felt it was just a took over....left him sleepless....began to hear strange voices...asking him to surrender....confess....ask for took almost a month....then spoke to the jailer...who helped him to speak to the priest....a long confessed lasted about three hours....the mercy and compassion of God was bestowed....miracle took place....the bad and the ugly turned to be a good and wonderful person.....a year of following and counseling....confessions...prayers....healings...good conduct in the prison....the authorities were convicted of his change and conversion....released him before the sentence....came out as a reformed person...old parents hoped and longed for him....visited them but not to stay .....had a clear mission and be a ray of hope for others....he began to walk on the streets....corners....places he used to visit...began talking to the addicts...who laughed at him....but slowly many of them listened...he carried on this for years....he said to others the God is wonderful and He does great life....surrender and see the miracles.....happening....

This Christmas.....the Lord is asking us to believe in his wonderful and great things in our remember that He means a lot for us....he loves us to transform and change our live a different call.....Jesus leads to a place where there is no sadness and sufferings but there is joy and serenity.....he gives us hope of a new and renewed life....the light shines.....dispels the darkness.....allow His to touch and transform us....

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